Friday, December 13, 2013

December 2013

Well, the weeks have flown by amd the surgery is a distant past event. I have had two Ortho appts and he continues to be very pleased with the results. I am still wearing the bands for 10-12 hours at night but that isn't much of an issue. My numbness is declining but I am still pretty numb- especially my gums. Lip is probably 75% back to normal feeling. Eating gets easier each week and I am hopeful that I will one day eat an apple!  

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Week 7

Last Friday I was freed from bands (temporarily!) and this past Tuesday I went to the Orthodontist for my first post-op with him.  He was very pleased with the results of the surgery.  He took out 13 hooks and changed the wires on top and bottom.  He also started the process of making some more final adjustments to my teeth.  My two front teeth (upper) have been uneven for a few months now so he fixed that and also did some work to try to adjust that molar that was bothering me for the past few weeks.  Then, he gave me the dreaded bands again... they are looser but they still hold my teeth closed and I have to wear those 10-12 hours a day.  I put them on sometime after dinner and take them off before breakfast.  It isn't too bad but it is a few hours a day that I am restricted again.  Not sure how long I will have to wear these.  He described them as my "insurance policy" to keep my teeth where the oral surgeon put them.  I am happy to wear them if they help insure that my teeth stay where they should!  The other bit of good news from the orthodontist was that they were all amazed at how little swelling I still have.  I assumed I was typical but they said some people remain quite swollen for a much longer time.  I still see/feel the swelling but I am very pleased with how it has gone down.

I guess the only other news is that I ate a salad... my first salad since September!!!!  Woo hoo!!  Leafy greens :-)  Chewing is still awkward and weird but at least I am able to chew lettuce again.

Friday, November 8, 2013


I can't believe it.... I am DONE with the bands holding my teeth together.  I am so happy (and surprised). I completely expected to have to wear them awhile longer so I was grinning ear to ear when I was released!  I am basically free of restrictions... I can eat normally (hooray for healthier food!), exercise and get back to living a normal life.  We are all very happy tonight at our house.  We are going out to dinner tonight and Brian is going to cook me one of my favorite meals tomorrow night... very exciting!  I am also excited to re-stock the groceries in the house.  I have avoided a lot of food shopping because it was depressing.  Tomorrow, we head to Costco to load up!  Woo hoo!

I go to the orthodontist on Tuesday morning and will find out what kind of torture he will put me through to get my teeth in their final positions (may include more normal orthodontic rubber bands- but that is okay with me!).  I have about 10 extra hooks on my wires and I hope he can take those off on Tuesday... too much metal in my mouth!  I can't believe that so much of this process is behind me.  All I have to do is wrap up the orthodontics over the next 4-6 months and have a follow-up with oral surgery in March.  Feeling is gradually returning to my face-- I forgot to ask how long to expect the numbness but I am guessing several more months for my gums and palate to regain full feeling.  I was told that I could have some spots that don't regain feeling... as of now, I seem to be feeling my entire upper lip so that is good news.

Thank you all so much for your support and encouragement through this process.  I am so appreciative of each note, email, hug and word of encouragement.

I may post a few more pictures after ortho but I am hoping that there isn't much to report on this blog anymore!

Oral surgeon today

I go see Dr. Steinbacher in a few hours.... I will post as soon as I can :-). 

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Almost 5 weeks post op

I haven't been good about updating the blog (not even sure if people are checking it anymore)... life has just basically been going along fairly normally, except for the moments of frustration over having my mouth banded shut for 5 weeks now.  I knew it would be a long road but I know that when I look back, this frustration will be quickly forgotten.  The swelling continues to improve daily and I look fairly normal now... there is still quite a bit of swelling but it isn't as obvious to people I don't know.  The majority of the swelling is on the left side and my lips/cheeks are still a little unbalanced but that will fade with time.  I look forward to the few minutes each day I can take the bands off and eat and stretch my jaw.  Dental care is a pain because I get so much food trapped in every little wire/band.  Also, my upper jaw is still almost completely numb so when food is up there, I can't feel it.  I am getting a little bit of sensation back on my palate but I only notice it when I am brushing my teeth.  So, I see Dr. Steinbacher on Friday at 10 am and if all goes as planned, I see my orthodontist on the 12th and hopefully he will be able to change my wires and I can get rid of some of these hooks (I may be too optimistic about this one!).

The jaw clicking is almost completely gone.  I still have some tooth soreness at times but it is different teeth at different times.  Hopefully all that will disappear when I am FREE!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

One month!

Not much to update but can't believe surgery was a month ago today!  10 more days until next oral surgery appt.....

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Saturday photos

Here are the photos from today... I see major improvement over the past week and lots of people at work have been commenting on how much the swelling has gone down.  For the past week, I've had lots of popping and crackling in my left ear.  I finally called the surgeon's office yesterday and the PA said that it isn't likely related to the surgery. I was surprised because I assumed the swelling/irritation had aggravated my Eustachian tube and that was causing the popping.  She recommended Sudafed so I am now taking that.  Seems to be helping.  I am fighting a cold so that may be a part of it, too.  I have also had popping in my right jaw even with movements as small as swallowing (can't be much movement when your jaw is banded shut!).  That seems to be going away-- much to my relief.  PA said that typically goes away with some jaw exercises and when the jaw joint gets lubricated again (I guess from use/movement?).  My final issue of the week is sore teeth on the lower jaw. I am attributing that to the pressure caused by having my teeth closed 23+ hours a day.  I hope/assume that will be gone once I am open again or once the orthodontist starts moving my teeth into a more final position.  My final question for the PA was about when I get these bands off.  She said typically 6-8 weeks.  I see the Oral Surgeon at 5 3/4 weeks so I may be disappointed at that appt... might have more time banded shut.  But, we will see.  Many of his patients are on liquid for 6 weeks and I only had 3 weeks so maybe there is hope for getting these bands off on the earlier side!!!   Either way, I am almost a month post-op and that is really exciting!

Friday, October 25, 2013

2 more weeks?

Not much really to report... today is my last day of shortened days at work so I am back on a normal routine next Monday.  I feel ready, but I am sure I will be exhausted by the end of the week (especially with Halloween activities).  My next visit with the Oral Surgeon is on November 8th which is two weeks from today.  I am hoping that we decrease the use of the bands at that visit.  I cannot wait to get these dang bands off my teeth!!!!  Eating has improved significantly since those first bites of pancakes.  I am eating mac n cheese, muffins, bananas, brownies and enchiladas.  Not the healthiest diet but hopefully I can cook some things this weekend that will be a little healthier.  I've lost 6 1/2 pounds as of now so I need the calories....

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

First bite!

I had a few bites of pancake this morning. Felt fine, but weird. Hardest part is opening wide enough to get the bite in :-)

Sunday, October 20, 2013

2 days until chewing!!

Well, the chewing is so close that I can almost TASTE it!  I can't wait to get some increased variety in my diet.  This past week I started to have some stomach issues, which I now think were due to high acid foods.  That was on Wednesday/Thursday so on Friday I changed how I was eating.  I switched over to smashing up soft foods and just swallowing, instead of relying on protein shakes and soups.  I even ate a hamburger on Friday night.  It isn't the easiest way to eat but it is much more satisfying!  On Tuesday we are going out to one of our favorite local places (Michael's Trattoria) and I am going to indulge in lobster ravioli. So very exciting!

Other than that, recovery is going well.  I have a minor click in my right jaw and some increased pressure in my left ear that makes it feel like it needs to pop constantly.  I am sure both of these will go away as my body continues to heal... still lots of swelling to go down and the muscles need to adjust once I start chewing.

One last thing.... It think the stitches are dissolving.  I hadn't been able to get up the nerve to look at them but I finally looked today and I only saw two.  Not sure if there are more (farther up that I couldn't see?) but if there are only two left then things are really healing.  The two I saw were on the inside of my upper lip.

Talking through closed teeth all day is very exhausting, especially when I am in noisy environments.  By the time Kenan goes to bed each night, I am usually completely DONE with the day and ready for bed.

That's the excitement from my world!!  I will post eating pictures on Tuesday!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Day 16, I think...

It isn't easy doing selfies!!  These aren't great pictures but it is the best I can do.... the swelling continues to decrease.  Some coworkers think they even noticed a difference between Tuesday and Wednesday.... I am pleased with the decrease in swelling.  I think my face was extra puffy over the weekend and that seems to be gone.  The bruises are almost gone.  No pain from the stitches that I experienced a few days ago... I still haven't gotten the nerve to look at them but the inside of my lip looks much better (but I would only look so far!).  I think my countdown should change from days post-op to days until soft-chew food!!!  I think I have 5 days left of liquid only. I already dreaming of chewing food again!!!  I feel for those people who can't eat for 6-8 weeks post-op.  I am lucky to only have 3 weeks of liquid!!!!   Amazingly, I have been able to maintain my weight, so that is great news in terms of healing.  Work is going well and I am able to make it through 1/2 days but I definitely feel tired at the end of my 4 hours.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Back to work!

I returned to work today... good to be back and see everyone!   Everything went smoothly... no real update other than the fact that I am more tired than I expected.  I have been home about 40 minutes and really need to get up and motivate myself to get something to eat (I mean, drink!).  I need to save my energy for tomorrow :-)

Monday, October 14, 2013

Day 13!

Day 13 photos. I woke up to some extra swelling under my right eye but I think it was just from sleeping on my right side. Already declining. My face is puffy and that will probably take months to go away.  Back to work tomorrow :-)

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Day 11

Not much to report today.... the only differences are that the swelling continues to improve and that I am starting to regain feeling in my upper lip.  I am happy to get the feeling, but it also means that I am more aware of how badly shredded the inside of my upper lip is with the stitches.  It hasn't caused much pain but occasionally I get a zing that reminds me of the stitches.  I think it is still a week or two before those dissolve but hopefully the pain will stay mild.

Guess that's it :-)

Friday, October 11, 2013

Day 10!

Day 10!!  Today is my last official day of medical leave... Monday is a holiday so I go back to work on Tuesday.  My first week back will be 50% time each day and then the following week I will work 75% time as I regain my strength.  I am hoping that as I get on to more solid foods (not for another 11 days- boo!) then I will have more energy.  Brian is traveling next week so I am thankful that I am still on a reduced schedule since I will be doing all of the parenting and cooking next week.  I am thankful for a tremendously supportive work environment and I look forward to being back to 100%!

As you can see, the swelling and bruising continue to decrease nicely.  Not much really to report.  I am completely tired of protein shakes and pureed soups.  Last night, I did something I didn't think I would be able to do and I pureed a real meal.  I bought a nice prepared Shepherd's Pie and tossed it in the blender with some broth.  I stood over the warmed mug of mush and cried.... it looked like liquid dog food and didn't smell much better.  I managed to choke it down and fortunately it wasn't as bad as it smelled/looked.  But, for now, I think I will stick to the soups.... I am going to go meet Brian at work and maybe head out for lunch.  I have no idea what I will eat, if anything.  

As you can see in the last picture, I can SMILE!!!  Still looks a little funny b/c my lip is stiff and swollen but it is nice to be able to smile again!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Day 8!

Here are the Day 8 pictures... Can't believe I came home from the hospital a week ago!  So much has improved since then!  As you can see, most of the swelling is in my upper lip.  It is still fairly stiff and hard to move around, but that is improving.  The bruising is in my upper lip and on my jaw line.  I am just so thankful that this process has gone as smoothly as it has.  We've really not had any set-backs, so that is great.  The oral surgeon had told me pre-op that he would loosen the bands at one week.  Yes, he did loosen them, but not to the extent I was imagining!  I guess I was a little disappointed by that.  Tomorrow, I will make a minor configuration change to how they are put on and maybe that will open me up a little bit???  Otherwise, I'm stuck with talking through my teeth until early November.  That's great for a Speech Pathologist, huh???  I am going to try to get out of the house some today.... I have to take Kenan for a quick appointment and also go to his parent/teacher conferences.  Other than that, just need to get MORE chicken broth-- the substance we use to liquify everything that goes in my mouth.  Amazing how much we go through!!!!  I don't think it will work on liquifying Halloween candy :-(  Guess I will miss most of that fun this year (but my waistline is happy about that!)

Thanks to all of you for reading this and caring about my recovery!  I am so thankful for the cards, emails, texts and messages that I get each day.  They are a real boost to me!!!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Follow up appt

Had my first follow up appointment today. He took the rubber bands off and I was able to open my jaw. Felt totally weird and was short lived... Banded again (which I knew was the case) but I can take them off to drink my meals and brush my teeth. Also, can change the configuration later this week to make them slightly (?) looser. I see him again November 8th. 

Monday, October 7, 2013

Day 6 and bruises!

Mom left this morning so I am on my own. Woke up early but feeling good and ready for the day. Just got back from taking K to the bus stop... Maybe time for a rest!  I think my big move for the day is that I am going to move off the sofa at night and into the guest room. Can't believe the first week is almost behind me!!!!!  So exciting to see the improvements!  The bruises are turning different colors now and the swelling is waaaay down.  I don't think the bruises are a good representation of what they did to my face during surgery!  My smile is coming back.... but I learned the hard way yesterday that laughing is not a good idea.  Mom brought a childhood video for us to watch and there was one clip that really got us going.... I had to go outside to calm myself down and not laugh-- that hurt a TON!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Day 5

Not much to update.... we went to Celebrate Wallingford yesterday for a short time and that was too much.  I was pretty scared to be in any type of crowd so I was very happy to get out of there after about 45 minutes.  Also, with my lack of appetite, my energy levels are low so I didn't have enough in my tank to do that.  Learned a lesson and stayed home all day today :-)  I still try to get out for short walks each day in the neighborhood, just to be outside!  No pictures today but I will try to get some tomorrow.

  • Sleeping through the night but usually wake one time for medicine and in some discomfort.  
  • Biggest issue seems to be nasal congestion, which makes breathing difficult.  
  • Eating is a challenge but I am trudging through that.  We are at the point that I need to force calories (something I've never experienced in my life!!!).  I ate an entire milkshake today, so that was good.  Brian is making a soup for dinner tonight that we will blenderize and I will drink.  
  • Mom leaves in the morning :-(  She's been a tremendous help in so many ways
  • I can't lift anything over 5 pounds for 4-6 weeks so no housework for me :-)  Sorry, Brian!
  • Some doctors suggested that I would be able to go back to work after one week-- NO WAY!  Wow, can't imagine being back at work this week!  I should be fine by next week but I need more recovery time.
  • I go to see Dr. Steinbacher on Tuesday for a follow-up.  We anticipate him loosening my bands.  I continue on a "blenderized" diet until October 21st or so but at least I will be able to get food in a little more easily and hopefully BRUSH MY TEETH!!!  I can't wait!

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Day 4

Here are the latest photos... My right side isn't nearly as bruised as the left.  My lip is evening out and the swelling is starting to decrease. Each day has some challenges but we are focusing on the small improvements. Hoping to get out of the house for a short time today but I'm not sure where I want to go!  I have a follow up with oral surgeon on Tuesday and I anticipate a slight loosening of the bands that are holding my jaw shut. Can't wait to brush my teeth again... But not sure when I can open that wide!  

Friday, October 4, 2013

Day 3 update

Today has been a much better day than yesterday.... each day I am noticing small improvements and feeling a little stronger.  For the first few days, breathing was an issue and that really peaked yesterday.   Kinda hard to breathe with your mouth banded shut and your nose stuffed up!  I was able to stay calm through that and Brian and my mom were able to find ways to get me breathing more easily again.  Today, the congestion has really declined so that is a huge improvement!  You can only use the nasal spray for 3 days so I am pretty much done with that.

I am thankful for all those that have stopped by or sent cards and flowers.  Hearing from people is a great boost for me!  We may try to get out some this weekend.   I'll try to post a picture or two this weekend.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

x ray

Might be hard to see but this is my new face!  On my upper jaw, there are four titanium plates and screws holding my jaw in place.  From what I have been told, my jaw will be weakest at 10 days post-op.  I am scheduled for a follow up next Tuesday at 1:30 pm, during which I anticipate that my bands will be loosened.  I just had my first ice cream- thinned significantly with milk but it was amazing!!!!!


Creamy potato soup via syringe

Day 2

I slept pretty well last night. Up at 2 am with a bad headache (that has been one of my biggest issues since surgery). Took some good meds and was able to sleep until 5:45. Feeling well rested so that helps. I get to eat "real" food today... Meaning not clear liquids!  Protein shake and espresso to start the day :-). Makes me happy. Kenan did well bit was a little shocked to see me like this. Very hard to not be able to talk to him!  Swelling should peak in next 24 hours. Ready to see that decrease!  This is emotionally challenging but physically not too horrible. Movies and rest on tap for today!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013


First of all, thank you to everyone for your kind words and supportive comments.  The surgery went very well and I am healing up nicely.  My face might be a little more swollen than it was in the picture this morning.  The swelling should peak tomorrow and then start declining.  I will post something tomorrow.

The surgery started about 7:30 am and I think I was done just after 11.  Took me a couple of hours to wake up (a little longer than normal).  They took me to a room on the pediatric floor (?) and then moved me to the 15th floor of the Oncology hospital.  I had my own room and it was very clean and quiet.  The night went okay but with all of the nurse checks and machine beeps I didn't get much sleep.  The oxygen machine went off all night long- I am fairly certain something was wrong with it b/c my levels fluctuated very quickly.  This morning, I was seen by Dr. Steinbacher's team and then by one of his PA's.  I also had a jaw x-ray (Brian may scan this for me so I can post it) and was seen by a SLP (feeding specialist).  After a little bit of a wait I was discharged around noon.  Now, I am home and resting.  Kenan should be home from school in a couple of hours and I am excited to see him.

Guess that's it for now.  I am well stocked with supplies (on a clear liquid diet all day today).  Can't wait to have soup or something yummy tomorrow!!!!

Looking rough

Long night but doing well. Should go home today. Will update more when not hooked up to machines 

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Out of surgery

Surgery started about 7:30 and Brian and mom met with doctor about 10:45. Doctor said all went well.
Did top jaw and removed three wisdom teeth. Brian just visiting. 

Monday, September 30, 2013

Last day...

Well, the time has almost come!  My mom is here and Brian is home... everything seems to be pretty much lined up so let's get this done!!  I have to work today (and hopefully stay healthy!).  I had a cold develop on Friday but after a lot of Zicam and Airborne I was able to keep that at bay and feel fine.  Phew!!!!  I will find out my surgery time late this afternoon so I will post that, along with some final pre-op photos.

I would appreciate your prayers!

Love to you all!


Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Surgery Prep

Greetings friends and family!  I have created this blog so that I can keep people updated on my surgery and recovery.  After my surgery, I will try to update this page daily so people can hear and see how I am doing.

Background and current status:

About 2 1/2 years ago I had some dental work done on my wisdom teeth (which are needed teeth since I was born without my pre-molars).  After the fillings I began experiencing excruciating pain.  I spent many long hours in dental chairs that year trying to figure out why my teeth were so painful.  After probably 50 visits to my dentist, several to a prosthedontist, two root canals, a crown and a new mouthguard (b/c I started grinding my teeth) I was referred to an orthodontist to look at possible solutions to the bite issues that had developed.  My bite was so bad that I was only hitting on my back teeth and therefore, intense pain.  All of the dental professionals agreed that I needed to look at braces and orthagnathic surgery to correct my bite.

The braces were put on in January 2013 and we are now ready for the surgery (October 1st).  For anyone interested in looking that up, it is called a Lefort 1 (but I wouldn't look if you are squeamish!).  Basically, they are going to realign my upper jaw and put it back in place using titanium plates and screws.  The surgery itself will be conducted by an Oral-Maxillofacial specialist at Yale and should last about 2 1/2 hours.  I am waiting to hear if they are going to take out the wisdom teeth while they are in there.  I will be in the hospital for one night and then home to recover.  Post surgery, my lower face will be completely numb (and very swollen) and sensation will return over the next several weeks.  I will be on a pure liquid diet for 3 weeks and then in week 4 I will be able to start eating some very soft foods- anything that requires minimal chewing.  My mouth will be "banded" shut with super tight rubber bands instead of the old way of wiring your jaw shut.  The bands will gradually be loosened as I recover.

That's the fairly quick summary.  I will be out of work for 2 weeks and then on a part-time schedule for a short time after that.  I would appreciate prayers as I go through this process!  It has been a difficult 2 1/2 years and I am ready to be on the other side of this surgery and counting down until I get these braces off!  Brian is out of the country right now but he returns on Sunday, just in time for the fun!  Also, my mom arrives on Sunday and will be here to nurse me through this process while Brian takes care of Kenan!